Discover the Marketing Consultancy that Boosted Over R$70 Million in Sales in the Last 4 Years

Transform your business with strategies proven by an experienced team of digital marketing experts. We integrate marketing and sales to achieve exponential results with Karis's expertise: Your internal marketing team.

Consultoria em Marketing Digital Estratégico para resultados impactantes. Conheça nossas estratégias exclusivas. Acesse e saiba mais!
Consultoria em Marketing Digital Estratégico para resultados impactantes. Conheça nossas estratégias exclusivas. Acesse e saiba mais!

Discover the Marketing Strategy that Generated Over $12 Million for Brazilian Entrepreneurs in America

At Karis, we don’t just offer consultancy; we become an extension
of your internal team. From the moment the contract is signed, we immerse ourselves
deeply, as if we were your own marketing strategists.

Our goal is to understand every aspect of your company – its history,
development, mission, vision, and values, along with short,
medium, and long-term goals. Based on these insights, we chart a personalized and
efficient path to achieve them, whether in B2B, B2C, local business, or as an infopreneur.

Strategy Details:

(Business to Business)

We use Outbound and Y-funnel strategies, alongside Digital Launches, to drive business-to-business sales growth.

(Business to Customer)

We implement Inbound Marketing, combined with Digital Launches and perpetual product funnels, to attract and retain end customers.

Local Business

We focus on Paid Traffic strategies to drive visits to your website and, particularly, to generate interest in visits and business at your physical store.


We develop Digital Launches and perpetual product funnels, maximizing the sale and reach of your digital products.

Strategic Digital Marketing Consultancy: Transforming Businesses and Leveraging Real Success Stories

Discover how Karis's strategy has propelled the success of numerous
clients in Brazil and the USA, generating measurable and lasting results.

Uncover the transformative power of Karis's Strategic Digital Marketing Consultancy: Your internal marketing and sales team

Strategic Digital Marketing Consultancy: Precision Marketing Planning for Achieving Success

Consultoria em Marketing Digital Estratégico para resultados impactantes. Conheça nossas estratégias exclusivas. Acesse e saiba mais!

Precision for
Achieving Success

Our team delves
deep into your business,
developing a personalized
strategy that addresses everything
from defining personas to
creating a shopping
journey and sales funnel.
We build a detailed plan,
ensuring defined timelines for
each stage from day one.

Ideas into
Concrete Actions

A partir do planejamento estratégico, nosso time entra em ação, implementando cada aspecto da estratégia definida. Profissionais especializados em diversas áreas, desde produção de conteúdo até gestão de branding e tráfego pago, trabalham incansavelmente para alcançar os resultados traçados.

Systematic Data
Results to Drive
Your Business

Não nos contentamos com métricas superficiais. Além de um planejamento detalhado e execução precisa, acompanhamos de perto os resultados reais de cada ação. Mensuramos não apenas métricas de vaidade, mas principalmente as vendas geradas por cada estratégia implementada, garantindo um acompanhamento próximo e relatórios completos mensais.

Discover if Karis Consultancy is Right for You

Identify if your business can benefit from strategic digital marketing:

Already generates good revenue but needs to boost sales through digital marketing

Would you like to implement effective marketing and growth marketing strategies

Has a solid offline presence but aims to expand into the digital realm

Deals with complex sales and aims to establish authority

Needs to increase demand for its sales team

Seeks to generate qualified leads and increase online sales

Be a Karis Success Story!

Want to know more about our services or start a project?

When you fill out our form,
you’ll get our e-book that will show you how we achieved 125 new business opportunities in just 15 days!