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Manufacture of countertops in natural stone and quartz

We conquered 125 new business opportunities in just 15 days.

Our client is a company founded by Brazilians in Peabody, Massachusetts, and has been in the US for over 18 years.

The company has excellent recommendations and its growth was based on word-of-mouth marketing. It worked for a while, but it just allows slow growth for every company.

Therefore, the biggest challenges faced were their difficulty in finding new customers, low budget for investing in marketing, the challenge of capitalizing even in the American winter, and last but not least, the super competition in the region where they are located.

Our strategy to overcome this challenge went through a few steps: optimizing the site, leading magnet campaigns, and digital advertising through Facebook Ads, as well as campaigns on Google Ads.

We got pretty good results but not as we expected, then we found that the potential clients of Marble and Granite are much more inclined to call and visit the company than to take any action on the internet. That was the moment to shine! Through Google My Business and with an investment of USD309 in the first fifteen days of March, we brought 125 new walk-in customers to the store.