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Retail Sector’s Professional Operator

The company attracts investors who want to invest financially in “franchise lots” of one of its renowned operating brands, such as Adidas or Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), giving investors the possibility of not getting their hands dirty.

The biggest challenge faced was not having a defined persona/target audience: they also didn’t have market credibility and any digital presence. They didn’t even have a flow of attracting/nurturing potential investors! As a reflect of that, the commercial area applied a lot of effort in cold prospecting and there were disorganization and excess costs in the launches/opening of new franchisees of KFC and Adidas brands.

To solve these obstacles, we proposed a union between the commercial and marketing to develop a marketing strategy that focused on attracting new qualified leads to open dialogue and, later, converting the commercial area. In addition, we create campaigns to nurture unclosed leads, working on their conversion in the medium/short term, and we work on brand positioning in the best channels to attract investors with greater financial capacity.

As a result, we achieved brand recognition in the market through participation in the Shark Tank Brazil program, with an acquisition of an investment of R$350,000 for one of the brands created by the group—which was also unknown at the time, and also raising R$1 million in new investments that make possible to expand the portfolio, attracting new investors.