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Vehicle maintenance and repair services

We conquered an average of 43 new calls every month, providing real daily sales opportunities for the company.

Our client is a company founded three years ago by a Brazilian-Hispanic couple who have more than 20 years of experience in the automotive market.

They are located in the cities of Waltham and Alston, Massachusetts, and you must go to the physical store to meet their services. Therefore, the biggest challenge was to find the people who were needing the services that they offer in the proximity!

Our strategy to overcome this challenge went through a few steps: we rebranded the brand, optimized the site, we also created a capture page, and therefore we achieved the best and most consistent results with a search network campaign with direct calls.

Through this campaign and with an investment of USD 1,703.58, we got 129 calls answered in 3 months, which generated new business every day!